Author Archives: Irish Concrete Society
40th Annual Awards
Cold Weather Concreting
Date: 27th November 2024 | Venue: Online
The negative effects of placing concrete in colder weather are well established. Concrete can be damaged to such an extent that it is unfit for use, has lower strength development or reduced durability. Therefore, it is important that precautions are taken to ensure that the performance of the concrete is not unduly affected.
In this seminar, our highly experienced industry professionals will discuss the practical aspects of successfully placing concrete during cold weather. We will also look at the damage caused by freezing temperatures to fresh concrete.
This seminar will be of interest to all those involved in the planning and supervision of concrete construction. Main Contractors, Specialist Sub-Contractors, Site Supervisory Personnel, Local Authority Engineers, Consulting Engineers and Ready-mixed Concrete Producers will all benefit from attending.
10:00 Welcome
10:05 Introduction and General Overview | Alan Boyle, Punch Consulting Engineers
10:35 Design Options for Cold Weather Concreting | Colin Heffernan, Roadstone
11:05 Site Practice: Planning, Placing and Curing | Raymond Fee, John Sisk & Son
11:45 Break
12.55 Sampling and Testing |Neil Cooke, Mattest
12:15 Health and Safety Considerations in Cold Weather | Shane McDonnell, PJ Hegarty & Sons
12:45 Questions and Answers
13:00 Ends
- ICS / Concrete Society (NI) Members: €95 pp
- Non-member Normal: €145 pp
Pushing Boundaries: Efficient Design and Construction to Reduce Carbon in Concrete
Venue: Online
Reducing carbon in concrete requires not only changes in the material’s manufacture but also smart, well-coordinated and efficient design and construction decisions. With no single strategy available to achieve this, innovative approaches are needed in the way in which projects are designed and built.
This joint seminar with Engineers Ireland will provide practical information and guidance on optimising design and construction decisions to aid in reducing carbon associated with the use of concrete. Our industry professional and expert speakers will cover important details from helping clients understand and minimise impacts to smarter design and construction processes which can lead to reduced embodied carbon emissions. A case study on efficiencies achieved in the steel industry will also be presented.
This seminar will be of particular interest to Design and Consulting Engineers, and Main Contractor Engineers involved in the design, specification and supervision of construction. Site Engineers, Sub- Contractors, Ready-mixed and Precast Concrete Producers will also benefit from attending.
- ICS / EI Members Early Bird: €95 pp
- Non-member Early Bird: €195 pp
- ICS / EI Members Normal: €145 pp
- Non-member Normal: €245 pp
10:00 Welcome | Irish Concrete Society
10:05 Client Choices | Adela Tablas, Arup
10:35 Smarter Processes | TBC
11:15 Break
11:30 What Can You Do Better in Design? | Paul Astle, Ramboll
12.10 Leaner Construction | Keith O’Flynn & Joe Gartlan, John Sisk & Son
12:40 Efficiencies Case Study from the Steel Industry | Tony Woods,
Midland Steel
13:10 Questions and Answers
13:30 Ends
- Booking form:
- Email: email:
- Phone: +353 1 6651305 (Engineers Ireland)
Entry to our 42nd Annual Awards is now open
Established in 1977, our prestigious Annual Awards are a celebration of excellence in design and construction in concrete.
Adjudicated by independent and distinguished juries of construction industry professionals, our Awards acknowledge construction achievements in which concrete, in any form, contributes significantly to the built environment.
The winning projects will be announced at our Annual Awards and Dinner Evening taking place on Saturday 29th March 2025 in the Clayton Hotel, Burlington Road
Fundamentals of Concrete Technology
Starting 3rd September 2024
Covering essential information, this three half-day hybrid course suitable for all those involved in the production, design, and supervision of concrete will cover essential information to enable better understanding and knowledge of the most used construction material in the world.
Laboratory Session: 3rd September 2024, 10am to 6pm*, UCD Lab
*90 min group sessions with staggered starts and finishes
Lecture Session 1: 10th September 2024, 10am to 1pm, Online
- Concrete Constituents
- Concrete Mix Design
- Specifying, Ordering, Delivery and Acceptance
- Fresh Concrete Properties
Lecture Session 2: 18th September 2024, 10am to 1pm, Online
- Formwork, Pre-pour Checks, and Placing
- Compaction and Finishing
- Curing and Strength Gain
- Concrete Defects
- Testing Hardened Concrete
Email: to book
Annual Joint Weekend with Concrete Society Northern Ireland Region
We are delighted to announce the annual meeting of members and their partners with our colleagues in the Northern Ireland Region of The Concrete Society.
Hosted by the Irish Concrete Society, this year’s event will be based at the Savoy Hotel, Limerick and visit the International Rugby Experience building in Limerick. Winner of the 41st Annual Awards Building Category, this landmark project has been carefully designed to harmonise with the surrounding Georgian brick streetscape.
An optional visit to Ardnacrusha Power Station is also arranged for the Friday afternoon.
For further information and registration details are available here.
Please note, this event is open to Irish Concrete Society and Concrete Society Northern Ireland Region members only.
This month’s Concrete magazine features an article on the 41st Irish Concrete Society Awards winning projects.
Members can access digital versions of both Concrete and Concrete Engineering International by logging in to the Members Area.
If you would like to know more about this and other benefits of membership, please contact us at or by filling in our Contact Form.
Pushing Boundaries: Efficient Design and Construction to Reduce Carbon in Concrete
Venue: Engineers Ireland, Clyde Road, Dublin 4
Reducing carbon in concrete requires not only changes in the material’s manufacture but also smart, well-coordinated and efficient design and construction decisions. With no single strategy available to achieve this, innovative approaches are needed in the way in which projects are designed and built.
This seminar will provide practical information and guidance on optimising design and construction decisions to aid in reducing carbon associated with the use of concrete. Our industry professional and expert speakers will cover important details from helping clients understand and minimise impacts to smarter design and construction processes which can lead to reduced embodied carbon emissions. A case study on efficiencies achieved in the steel industry will also be presented.
This seminar will be of particular interest to Design and Consulting Engineers, and Main Contractor Engineers involved in the design, specification and supervision of construction. Site Engineers, Sub- Contractors, Ready-mixed and Precast Concrete Producers will also benefit from attending.
- ICS / EI Members Early Bird: €145 pp
- Non-member Early Bird: €245 pp
- ICS / EI Members Normal: €195 pp
- Non-member Normal: €295 pp
09:30 Registration and Tea/Coffee
10:00 Welcome | Robert Laird, ESB and Chair of the Irish Concrete Society
10:05 Client Choices | Adela Tablas, Arup
10:35 Smarter Processes | Eddie Lyons, O’Connor Sutton Cronin + Contractor, TBC
11:15 Tea/Coffee Break
11:30 What Can You Do Better in Design? | Paul Astle, Ramboll
12.10 Leaner Construction | Keith O’Flynn & Joe Gartlan, John Sisk & Son
12:40 Efficiencies Case Study from the Steel Industry | Tony Woods,
Midland Steel
13:10 Questions and Answers
13:30 Closing Remarks
- Booking form:
- Email: email:
- Phone: +353 1 6651305 (Engineers Ireland)
- Terms and conditions:
Architectural Concrete: achieving the finish you want (Postponed)
This event has been postponed until further notice.
Venue: Clayton Hotel Charlemont, Dublin 2
Concrete is one of the most dynamic and flexible building materials in architectural history. A multifaceted material, it has the ability to take on many forms, textures and colours. Architectural concrete is a demonstration of this exceptional quality and how it can be turned into appealing surfaces that will still meet structural and engineering requirements.
Permanently exposed to view, achieving good quality surface finishes can be challenging, requiring an understanding of material properties and the processes involved.
In this RIAI CPD approved seminar, our highly experienced speakers will look at the use, specification and finishing of architectural concrete. A case study on the award-winning International Rugby Experience building will also be presented.
This seminar has been designed for architects at all levels of their careers. Consulting and Design Engineers, Ready-mixed Concrete Producers, Precast Concrete Manufacturers, Main Contractors and Specialist Sub-Contractors will also benefit from attending.
Fee: ICS / RIAI / AAI Members: €125, Non-member: €175 pp
- 09.00 Registration
- 09.30 Chair’s Introduction | Steven Connolly, Architect, Grafton Architects
- 09.35 Visual Concrete Finishes and Specification | Colin Heffernan, Concrete Technical Manager, Roadstone
- 10.05 Achieving Required Finishes | Jonathan Reid, Principal, Grey Matter Concrete
- 10.40 Polished Concrete Floors | Seamus Redmond, Managing Director, Renobuild
- 11.00 Break
- 11.30 Architectural Concrete in the Built Environment | Jon Matthews, Director, Jon Matthews Architects
- 12.00 International Rugby Experience Case Study | Ben Allnatt, Architect, Niall McLoughlin Architects
- 12.30 Questions and Answers
- 13.00 Ends
Email to register.