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Monthly Archives: December 2018

Irish Concrete Soicety Site Visits

Posted: 12/17/2018

Our site visits take us to various parts of Ireland to view interesting and significant projects being constructed.

Advanced Concrete Technology Lecture

Posted: 12/17/2018

The inaugural Advanced Concrete Technology Lecture – new for 2019.


Titled: “Research Developments of Nanotechnology in Concrete”  by Prof. Surendra P. Shah Walter P. Murphy Emeritus Professor of Civil Engineering at Northwestern University, USA.

In this evening lecture we will be provided with a high level overview of the current research trends, a snapshot […]

Corporate Members Lunch

Posted: 12/12/2018

This year we reinstated a lunch for our corporate members.

Over 25 members enjoyed a four course meal and listened to a thought provoking after dinner speech from a leading Irish Academic on the topic of construction economics.

Joint IEI / ICS / IStructE Evening Lecture

Posted: 12/12/2018

Each year we co-host a technical talk with Engineers Ireland and the Institute of Structural Engineers. This event is held in Cork and is always a very successful evening.

Click here for this years event flyer,

Joint AAI / ICS Evening Lecture

Posted: 12/12/2018

in 2016 we were very pleased to have reinstated a long established joint lecture with the Architectural Association of Ireland.

The Architectural Association of Ireland is a non-profit voluntary organisation, founded in 1896, with the aim of promoting greater discussion, dissemination and engagement in architecture and the built environment.

Details of this years event can […]

35th Annual Awards

Posted: 12/12/2018

7th International Award – Call for Entries

Posted: 12/11/2018

The Irish Concrete Society will again make an award to recognise Irish companies who export technical excellence in concrete.

Eligible projects will have commenced after January 2015 and have been completed by the end of December 2018. To be eligible projects must be located outside the island of Ireland and have been designed / delivered […]

2018 Annual Report

Posted: 12/11/2018

Please click here for the 2018 Annual Report.

34th Annual Awards

Posted: 12/11/2018

33rd Annual Awards

Posted: 12/11/2018

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