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Advanced Concrete Technology Lecture: Calcined Clay as a Secondary Cementitious Material

Advanced Concrete Technology Lecture: Calcined Clay as a Secondary Cementitious Material

Posted: 04/25/2023


The fastest route to reduce COemissions from cement and concrete is either to replace the clinker in cement, or cement in concrete, with a supplementary cementitious material (SCM). The SCM which is sufficiently abundant to serve the industry world-wide is clay.  This talk goes through all aspects of calcined clay as an SCM; what it is, how it is produced, how does it react with cement as well as what the benefits are when using it in concrete in terms of strength development and durability. The challenges and potential benefits of extremely high calcined clay loadings are also addressed.

Who should attend

This free to attend lecture will be of interest to all those who are involved in the design, specification, production and construction of concrete. Those who should attend include ready-mixed and precast concrete producers, concrete technologists, cement producers, design engineers, consulting engineers and engineers in contracting and sub-contracting firms.

Speaker Biography

Prof, Dr Harald Justnes is Chief Scientist at SINTEF Community, Department of Architecture, Building Materials and Structures, Norway. He is also Adjunct Professor in “Cement and Concrete Chemistry” at Institute of Materials Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology. His field of interest covers the chemistry of cement, concrete, admixtures and additives (including polymers) from production, through reactivity, to durability. Prof Dr Justnes has more than 370 papers in journals and conference proceedings.


5.45pm: Registration, Tea/Coffee

6.15pm: Calcined Clay as a Secondary Cementitious Material

7.00pm: Q&A

7.15pm: Event Ends

7.30pm: Group Dinner*

ICT Joint Seminar 2023_Clacined Clay* If you wish to avail of the opportunity to talk further over dinner, please include this on your registration email so a place can be reserved for you. Please note that there will be a charge for dinner.

Email to register, see here for further information.


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